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Statutory Audit

Statutory audit and assurance in India involve the examination and verification of an entity's financial statements, records, and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

Here are the key details on statutory audit and assurance in India:

Legal Requirement:

Statutory audit is a legally mandated audit required by law or regulations. In India, various statutes, including the Companies Act, 2013, Banking Regulation Act, Insurance Act, and others, mandate statutory audits for specific types of entities such as companies, banks, insurance companies, and other regulated entities.


The primary objective of a statutory audit is to provide assurance to stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, regulators, and investors, regarding the accuracy, reliability, and fairness of the entity's financial statements. The audit aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and confidence in the financial reporting process.

Appointment of Auditor:

The auditor conducting the statutory audit is typically appointed by the shareholders or board of directors of the entity. The auditor must be a qualified chartered accountant registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

Scope of Audit:

a. Financial Statements:

Auditors examine the entity's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and notes to the financial statements, to ensure compliance with accounting standards and regulatory requirements.

b. Internal Controls:

Auditors assess the effectiveness of the entity's internal controls, policies, and procedures for financial reporting, risk management, and compliance with laws and regulations. They identify weaknesses and deficiencies in internal controls and provide recommendations for improvement.

c. Compliance:

Auditors verify the entity's compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and statutory requirements, including tax laws, company law provisions, industry-specific regulations, and accounting standards.

d. Fraud and Misconduct:

Auditors remain vigilant for indicators of fraud, misconduct, or irregularities during the audit process. They assess the risk of fraud, identify red flags, and investigate suspicious transactions or activities.

Audit Procedures:

a. Risk Assessment:

Auditors conduct a risk assessment to identify significant risks and material misstatements in the financial statements. They design audit procedures to address these risks and obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.

b. Substantive Testing:

Auditors perform substantive testing, including analytical procedures, tests of details, and sampling techniques, to verify the accuracy and validity of account balances, transactions, and disclosures.

c. Documentation:

Auditors maintain comprehensive documentation of audit procedures performed, audit evidence obtained, and conclusions reached during the audit engagement. The documentation serves as a record of the audit work performed and supports the audit opinion.


a. Audit Opinion:

Auditors issue an audit report expressing their opinion on the fairness, reliability, and compliance of the entity's financial statements. The audit opinion may be unqualified (clean), qualified, adverse, or disclaimer, depending on the audit findings and conclusions.

b. Management Letter:

Auditors may provide management with a letter summarizing significant audit findings, control deficiencies, and recommendations for improvement in internal controls, compliance, and risk management practices.

Regulatory Compliance:

a. ICAI Standards:

Auditors must adhere to auditing standards issued by the ICAI, such as the Standards on Auditing (SAs), while conducting statutory audits to ensure consistency, quality, and professionalism in audit engagements.

b. Legal Requirements:

Auditors comply with legal requirements, including statutory audit provisions under the Companies Act, banking regulations, insurance laws, and other relevant statutes governing the entity's operations.

Role of Auditors:

a. Independence:

Auditors maintain independence, objectivity, and integrity throughout the audit process to ensure impartiality and credibility of audit findings.

b. Professional Judgment:

Auditors exercise professional judgment and skepticism in evaluating audit evidence, assessing risks, and forming audit opinions to enhance audit quality and reliability.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:

a. Quality Assurance:

Auditing firms implement quality assurance processes and procedures to monitor and evaluate the quality of audit engagements, compliance with standards, and adherence to regulatory requirements.

b. Training and Development:

Auditors undergo regular training and professional development programs to enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies in auditing, accounting, and regulatory compliance.

In summary, statutory audit and assurance play a crucial role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and credibility in financial reporting and corporate governance. Auditors provide independent assurance on the entity's financial statements and internal controls, thereby safeguarding the interests of stakeholders and contributing to the integrity of the capital markets in India.

Documents required for Statutory Audit

Financial Statement.

Innvoice, receipt, and vouchers supporting transactions.

Inventory records and valuation reports.

Copy of PAN Card.

Tax returns and related documents.

Contracts, agreements and related documents.


Legal Requirement.

Compliance Verification.

Risk Assessment.

Audit Opinion.
